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    Info sessions

  • Info:

    Motivating people is a passion of mine and I openly share my experiences of overcoming challenges in my life. I connect with my audience at a very real, personal, emotional and relatable level. I believe we are all survivors & we don’t know just how much strength we have. I aim to motivate and inspire young people to adults, in their journey through life. To get closer to God. Also to bring awareness about the dangers of the New Age Movement, Anti-Bullying and Knife crime. By the words I speak I aim to encourage people to be there best authentic self. Also knowing your God given purpose brings so much peace & happiness into your life. Also to keep the faith and have confidence in a brighter future no matter what it looks like right now. Also I'm on YouTube every Tuesday.

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    About Claudine

    Claudine Minott is one of the most inspiring motivational speakers. Claudine is from the UK, she is qualified in working with young children and also is a mother of two. Claudine’s goal is to motivate and inspire young people to adults, who are going through some difficult times in their life and to get closer to God. She has also been through some difficult times in her life too. Which she as come through. When Claudine was younger she was verbally and physically bullied at school and when she was working at a nursery she also was bullied. So for years she had low self-esteem and at the age of seventeen her cousin was murdered by a gang of boys, also Her neighbour’s son got stabbed and died at the age of 20 years old. She knew him since he was a toddler. She also was on holiday when her friend was being verbally abused by an older man. Claudine then was trying to stick up for her friend, when this man then put a knife to her face. Which she would have been cut if she wasn’t wearing a hat, so her hat ended up protecting her face. This was very distressing for her.


    Claudine was vulnerable and had started getting into the New Age Movement thinking it would get her closer to God. But that wasn't the case. Because it is very dangerous. Claudine found out the truth which is Jesus Christ. Which lead her to become a Christian today. Even though she’s been through a lot, Claudine still keeps positive, grounded and confident about the future. She is passionate to motivate and inspire others with her story and wants to encourage everyone to have a closer relationship with God. Also she wants to warn people of the dangers of the New Age Movement.


    Everyone needs to find their God given purpose to live a more fulfilling life. That you can be proud of.


    Claudine also loves to sing, watch movies and likes spending time with her family and friends. She also loves to help those in need.

    Claudine also releases new YouTube videos every Tuesday.


    Select a date and time to book.

    Group info session's

    Group info session's

    Group info session's The topic's are on Faith, New Age Deception, Knife Crime and Anti-Bullying. (Info session's booked between 1-4pm) (Each session 45mins)
    Select date and time
    Event time zone:Europe/London GMT+00:00
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     One to One info session's.

    One to One info session's.

    One to One info session's. The topic's are on Faith, New Age Deception, Anti-bullying and Knife Crime. (Info session's booked between 1-4pm) (Each session 45mins)
    Select date and time
    Event time zone:Europe/London GMT+00:00
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    Virtual Talks.

    Virtual Talks.

    Zoom (Other venues opptional)
    Virtual Talks The topic's are on Faith, New Age Deception, Knife Crime and Anti-Bullying. (Talks booked between 1-4pm) (Each session 45mins)
    Select date and time
    Event time zone:Europe/London GMT+00:00
    Book Now  
  • Opening Times


    Monday - Friday

    11am till 5pm

    Closed Good Friday


    Bank Holiday's



    Contact Details





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    What is your why?


    What is your why?


  • Please reach out to discuss speaking and consulting opportunities with Claudine.

    Contact Form


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